As you know ALL water in the house runs into the drains and then into the septic system and later into the drainfield. An easy to ‘go green’ is fill cups or buckets with water when you are adjusting the temperature at the faucet or for a shower. It will mean less water impacting your septic system. This isn’t the ‘water’ usually thought of when trying to make life easier on your septic system. This water can be used for countless household applications from regular drinking water to watering houseplants to washing fruits and vegetables
Greywater emanates from bathroom sinks or showers as well as the washing machine. Unless the load includes human bodily fluids or recyclable diapers, in which case it is considered to be Blackwater.
- Although Greywater contains some bacterial particles it can be used for other household needs like watering outdoor plants or washing the driveway.
- Drinking Greywater is not recommended due to particle contamination.
- Generally speaking you can dispose of Greywater on your own property.

Blackwater, however contains high levels of hazardous bacteria and is from both the toilet and the kitchen sink. This includes human waste, urine, other bodily functions as well as food scrapes and food particles all of which can produce hazardous bacteria.
- Septic professionals should be called whenever dealing with anything to do with Blackwater.
- The gasses released during the bacteria breakdown process are highly toxic and often deadly.
- Always wear protective clothing and gear if you find yourself dealing with Blackwater.
- Solids in the form of human waste as well as food waste will sink to the bottom of the septic tank and over time combine with other solids to form the sludge layer.
- Grease and oils float to the top of the tank, combining to form a scum layer.
- A normally operating septic tank that is in use is always full of sewage: a mixture of solids, floating scum, and septic effluent.
It is up to you to regulate what goes down your drains. As well as using water wisely this benefits not only your septic system, but also your home and family.