Having a licensed septic professional look over your septic system on a regular basis can save you time, money and worry. Much can go wrong with your septic tank, from issues with the tank itself or the contents within the tank. Proper Maintenance allows your tank to last a good long time.

Septic tanks come in a variety of materials:

septic repairs


  • These are the most common type of septic tanks.
  • They are susceptible to cracking or having seam separation.
  • Can last 40 or more years when properly maintained.
  • Will require heavy machinery to shift into place.


  • These are lightweight and less vulnerable to cracking
  • The lower weight makes them more likely to suffer structural damage.
  • Tanks can shift in the soil.
  • Environmental changes like soil erosion or soil acidity can have an effect.
  • Tank can be repaired far easier than either steel or concrete


  • Less costly as there is no need for heavy machinery.
  • Incapable of rusting.
  • They can be damaged upon installation.
  • The tank can float to the surface if not properly installed.
  • Will last 30-40 years.


  • These are the least durable. A steel septic tank will more likely rust out due to soil acidity, steel quality and coating integrity
  • The covers often the first thing to corrode, leaving a dangerous access to the tank.
  • If buying a home with a steel septic tank, get an inspection prior to closing.
  • Lifespan is 15-20 years if maintained properly.
  • Due to rust and often developing perforations (holes) over time, they are difficult to remove.

Having Tri-county Septic professional team on your side will help with deciding which tank is right for your family size as well as what works on your property. Additionally they can help with the regulations regarding your town’s ordinances as to which septic tanks are acceptable.

After having your tank installed, there are a few things for you to avoid to make sure your tank last as long as it can.

  • Never park cars or trucks on top of the septic tank or the drainfield.
  • Plant only grass seed on top of the tank and drainfield.
  • Plant trees well away from the area and look for trees without extensive root reach.

By working with a professional septic company and taking reasonable precautions your septic tank, whichever one is chosen, will last for many years to come.