5 Signs Your Septic May be Failing

  1. Lush, Green Grass
    • What color is your grass? Is it a uniform color or are you seeing lush green grass? The grass should be the same color and consistency in the leach field as it is in any other part of your yard. This is a sign that your septic system is either full and overwhelming your leach field, or that it has a leak.
  2. Mud Puddles
    • Is there a pool of water on your leach field and it hasn’t rained lately? This can be a sign that the septic system is overflowing. When your tank reaches capacity, solid waste can clog the drainage field piping system, forcing liquid to the surface. It's best to have your system pumped and inspected for leaks.
  3. Slow Drains
    • When the septic system is the culprit, you are likely to notice this in the lowest drains of your home first. If drains in sinks, tubs and toilets are draining more slowly on the lower level of your home than the upper levels, there could be a backup in your septic system. This could simply be a plumbing blockage, but either problem can be potentially serious if neglected, so please do not hesitate to call out a professional to assess the situation.
  4. Sewage Stench
    • Is there an aroma not unlike raw sewage emanating from your property? This unfortunate reminder that more than shower, sink and laundry water is in that pit is a sure sign of a septic issue. By the time you're smelling this, you may have overlooked some of the other warnings in this article. Call Tri-County Septic today: 908-689-9088
  5. Sewage in Your Home
    • We hope for the health of your family that you never experience this unfortunate event. When a Septic Tank becomes overwhelmed, sewage will back up into the house and bubble up through your lower drains. If you have a one story house, this could be all of your drains. Once this occurs, the chances of extremely dangerous molds and bacteria damaging your home and family's health jump sky high. This is not a "close the basement bathroom door and look away" situation. Especially as the stench will permeate that door, reminding you not-so-gently about the urgency of the situation.

If you notice any of these signs, please schedule a septic cleaning today:

Call Tri-County Septic Today 908-689-9088

Septic systems, when properly maintained, are environmentally friendly, and an extremely useful feature of your home. It's important that out of sight does not remain out of mind. Neglecting basic septic maintenance can result in very costly repairs. In addition to the cost of septic repairs or septic replacements, your septic system will have to be excavated, potentially damaging your otherwise beautiful landscape.

You can maintain your septic system by pumping out your septic tank every 2-3 years, and avoid pouring chemicals down the drain that can damage your septic tank .

Call Tri-County Septic Today 908-689-9088

Serving Warren, Morris and Hunterdon Counties, New Jersey for over 30 years!

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